Praise from Readers
Turkey Shoot is a brave new conspiracy thriller that I greatly enjoyed. Its carefully crafted, crackling prose and complex interwoven plot gives readers a bravura experience from a unique perspective. Fantastic read!
—Ned Hayes, national bestselling author of The Eagle Tree
Turkey Shoot is much more than a thriller, more Wajda’s Ashes and Diamonds than 007, elegantly written by someone who clearly knows the history, geography, and political turmoil of the region with great empathy for those victimized by unnecessary wars and heartless policies.
—San Cassimally, playwright and novelist, winner of the Mobil Prize for his play Acquisitive Case
Experience a cast of colorful characters who band together on a dangerous mission. The dialogue sparkles and the prose thrusts you on an adventure that twists and turns. The bittersweet ending will surprise you.
—Dr. Arnold Kamis, founder, Lexington Writer’s Group
If invaders destroyed your home, your family, your people—what would you do? Where would you go, how would you get there, what could you take with you, how could you reach out to friends and family or make money? Whom would you trust, or even love? Enough such trauma might drive you to terrorism, might it not? Why not stake out this cell of fed-up international radicals and find out? What they’re planning will kill you.
—Dr. A. Bengola, Professor of English, Newark State Teachers College
Geoffrey Dutton wraps the reader into a first-person scenario, tracking an outsider as he negotiates a maze of twisty streets and untested persons who claim to be allies. The observations of great detail bring the scenes to life along with the contradictions that lie ahead. Expect the unexpected in this fast-paced thriller.
—Dr. Nicholas Chrisman, Author, Editor, Geographer, Bellingham WA
Awards & Publications

Geoffrey Dutton was given the 2019 Courage in Fiction award from Independent Publishers of New England (IPNE) for his 2018 radical thriller Turkey Shoot. The award, given for the first time this year, recognizes the difficulties involved in publishing a novel that portrays political terrorists in a non-judgmental way, from their own points of view. Find a list of all IPNE 2019 book award winners here.
Chapter two of Turkey Shoot was selected for inclusion in the 2018 edition (volume 23) of Seven Hills Review, an annual publication of the Tallahassee Writers Association.
Chapter 22 of Her Own Devices, Dutton’s forthcoming sequel to Turkey Shoot, was published in Issue 34 of The Write Launch, February, 2020.
Chapters 1 and 2 of Her Own Devices subsequently appeared in issue 40 of The Write Launch, August 2020,
Turkey Shoot Trailer
Watch a 90-second book trailer for Turkey Shoot below. Also available on YouTube.
In January, 2020 Kameel Nasr spoke with Geoffrey Dutton on his show New England Authors in a 23-minute conversation that explored the motivations of the author and his characters. See it below or on YouTube.
Interview with Geoffrey Dutton on What’s Going On, Belmont Public Media, Aug. 29 2018, 19 min. hosted on YouTube
Belmont Citizen-Herald, Nov. 11 2018, Belmont resident pens first book about turmoil overseas
Belmont Citizen-Herald, Nov. 27, 201, Belmont author wins award
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