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IF YOU ENJOY spy thrillers featuring angst-ridden protagonists and European ambiance along the lines of John Le Carré’s, this act of literary blowback might just be your continental cup of tea. But instead of a beleaguered spook trying to outfox the other side, you’ll find a murder of terrorists in Greece making the best of a bad situation in a tale told entirely from their bickering perspectives. Each has his or her own idea of what a better world would look like, but all assuredly concur that this one needs a clean sweep.
IT’S OCTOBER 2015. Meet Mahmoud al Ramadi, 23, an Iraqi victim of ISIS who has become what some would call a terrorist, others a freedom fighter. The antihero of this unconventional thriller is soft-spoken yet militant, someone who by almost anyone’s definition could be a terrorist. Fresh from battling ISIS in Syria, he floats to Greece among other displaced people where, in Piraeus, he adopts terrorism—or more precisely, terrorists adopt him. The ambitious operation his new comrades are plotting will, he is informed, decimate the power elite and inspire revolution around the globe. Having vowed payback for war crimes that orphaned him, the devout Iraqi accepts the mission as his jihad. His thousand-mile odyssey from war-torn Mosul to strife-ridden Athens and part way back tests his metal, his wits, and his abiding faith.

YOU’LL FIND MEMORABLE characters, tense action, straight and gay romance, ideological and other altercations, and amazing improvisations in both the real and virtual worlds in this gripping read. How you’ll feel about their rogue operation and its dénouement depends on who you are and what you stand for, but it could be complicated. All that Mahmoud experiences edits his articles of faith and just might edit some of yours.
PERFIDY PRESS was founded in 2018 to publish fiction and nonfiction that shines a light on misdeeds in hope of to setting the world right. See the About and the Author pages for more information, and peruse the Pefridy Press Blog for to see what we mean by “what you don’t know can hurt you.”
Book Trailer for 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair
Author interview on New England Authors with Kameel Nasr (23 February 2020, 22 Min)
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