Take Advantage of this Free Limited-Time Offer

NOTE: Thanks to an anonymous donor, this special offer has been extended until the end of May 2020. Please support Doctors Without Borders with a donation.
As we anxiously ride out the COVID-19 pandemic at home, many of us have newfound extra time on our hands. It’s a great opportunity to detach from worrisome news we mostly can’t use and catch up on our reading.
To distract you from the media’s grim statistics and repetitious commentary about the plague, as a public service, Perfidy Press is offering you a free copy of my award-winning international political thriller Turkey Shoot in electronic form. It is yours to keep with no obligation other than taking some time to read it and agreeing not to distribute your copy of it.

Should you like to return the favor, please consider donating the cover price of the eBook ($3.99) or whatever you feel you can afford to Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF) to help them care for displaced people in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere, mostly crowded into temporary camps where unsanitary conditions make them extremely vulnerable to COVID-19. MSF has been preparing for that eventuality and could very much use your support. Click here or on this photo to make a donation.
For your convenience, digital editions of Turkey Shoot come in three flavors:
- .mobi eBook (Amazon Kindle only)
- .epub eBook (all other e-readers)
- .pdf (all platform)
Please specify your preferred format using the radio buttons on the form below, complete all required fields, and click the Submit button.
Soon (within a day or so) you’ll receive an email with a link to the book in your chosen format. This link is for your own one-time use only. Please do not provide the link or a copy of the electronic publication to anyone else. You are welcome to share the file on your home network, but not on a corporate network, via email, by posting it on a website or by sharing it from the clouds. That said, please feel free to tell others about the offer by email or via social media, providing a link to this page.
On the form you can elect to receive Perfidy Press Pronouncements, our more-or-less monthly quirky email newsletter. If you already get the newsletter or wish not to, you may opt out by selecting either “I am already a subscriber” or “I do not wish to subscribe at this time.” No matter what, your email address will not be disclosed to any other parties and you can unsubscribe at any time directly from the newsletter itself.
This special offer will expire at 11:59 PM on May 31st, 2020, so don’t hesitate.
Finally, if reading the novel moves you to post a review at amazon. com or goodreads.com, whatever you have to say will be appreciated.
Relieve the anxiety and tedium of your sequestration by cuddling up with the award-winning* Turkey Shoot. It will whisk you away to exotic locales and fraught adventures with the most engaging gang or terrorists you never hoped to meet!
With fond wishes for good health and bad attitude,
-Geoffrey Dutton
*Recipient of the 2019 award for Courage in Fiction from Independent Publishers of New England
Okay People, Let’s Do This